Bonner Goals

Bonner Community


The Bonner Fellowship helps students build a sense of community on campus by linking them together as a cohort, and providing pathways to connection through a first-year adjunct, All-Bonner meetings, cornerstone experiences, retreats, and changemaker workshops. Students are encouraged to learn from, support, and engage with one another throughout their time in the Bonner Fellowship at CC and beyond. Fellows are also encouraged to build community with student organizations, administrators, and faculty across the CC campus.

Core Expectations & Opportunities

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First Year Training

All-Bonner Meetings

Cornerstone Bonner Experiences

Bonner Retreats

Bonner Internships & Bonner Leadership Team (BLT)

Bonner Social Media

Engagement and Work Guidelines


campusaboveBonner students will discern, through project-based and direct support for community partner organizations, their primary issue-areas of interest, and be able to work collaboratively and independently, while learning concrete problem-solving interpersonal skills and developing local and applied knowledge within that issue area.

Core Expectations & Opportunities

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Project-Based Community Engagement

Engaging Off-Campus

Engaging in Community-Based Internships

CLAs and MOUs

Academic Integration


To purposefully impact community and Bonner students, community engagement must be integrated with the core intellectual pursuits of higher learning. First - to impact community, we must leverage our greatest public asset - knowledge students learn in, and alongside, the classroom and created through research. In your community work, our goal is for you to apply and embody what you learn in classroom and alongside the classroom. Second - to impact Bonners' development into lifelong citizens, students must have the opportunity to learn and grow from their engaged experiences. The Bonner Fellowship aims to cultivate in students knowledge and skills for how to engage in intentional, humble, beneficial ways that attend to and do not reinforce inequalities and privilege.

Core Expectations & Opportunities

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CCE Changemaker Curriculum & First Year Bonner Adjunct


Capstone Process

Report an issue - Last updated: 02/25/2025